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Return to Data Entrty Tab | Create A FileNOTE: This Profi'C Tutorial is not designed as a reference manual for the Pick File Structure. Please refer to the Pick Systems Open Architecture Reference Manual for details concerning Pick File Structure. However, here are the details on how to create a file using the Profi'C System Utility. From the File Utilities Menu, select #1. The system will display the File Create Utility Screen. System Utilities File Create Utility Tine and Date Profi'C Software (tm) I F i l e N a m e N o . / I t e m s T y p e D / P F i l e D e s c The system will place the cursor in the File Name field and display the Prompt | Enter the new file name or <E>xit| File Name | KEY IN | the name of the file you wish to create <RTN>. The system will move the cursor to the NoJItems field and display the Prompt iEnter the number of items to be saved in this fills. | No-/Items | KEY IN | theestimatedoumberofitemswhichyouintendtokeep in this file cRTN>.The system will move the cursor to the Type D/P field and display the Prompt |Enter the file type <P>rogram or <D>ata | Type D/P | KEY IN | "P" <RTN> if this file is to be a Program OR | KEY IN | "D" <RTN> if this file is to be a Data file. The system will move the cursor to the File Desc field and display the Prompt | Enter the description of this file |