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Paint Program Modification Log

System UtilidesPrint P

Do you want to copy parameter to new name?


Enter source parameter name PS*CUSTMRS

Enter copy to parameter name PS*CUSTOMERS

Delete old parameter after copy? <D>el or <RTN>

<O>verwrite ff parameter exists? O or <RTN>

I FM*LCUSTMR TO FM*LCUST I item(s)copied

~ 1 1 1 1 1 1~1

Now you can go to the Program Template Utility Screen and make any modifications you need to create the customized program you want.



Choice #6 from the Program Maintenance Utilities Selector brings you to the Print Program Modification Log. This selection allows you to print or display the modification log associated with any program in any Profi'C module (or with all of them).

From Prompt

The system will display the Prompt

| Do you want to print this report? ~RTN,/N |

| KEY IN | <RTN>ifyouwishtocontinueor"N"ifyoUwanttoexit

the screen.

The system will display the Prompt

| Print on <S>creen, Reprinter, <Si>ave, <E>nd? S/PiSL/E |

From Prompt | KEY IN | "S" to display the report on the screen, "P" to print the

report on the system printer", "SL" to print the report

from a slave printer (attached to your terminal), or "E"

to exit the screen.




System Utilities Print Program Modification Log SY.101

The system will display the Prompt

| Enter program name (use [ ] option) |


From Prompt

From Prompt

| KEY IN | the name of the program whose modification log you

want to print or display (our example is the AP Invoice

Register) <RTN>.

The system will display the Prompt

| Enter date to begin printing from |


. .

| KEY IN | the date you want to start your modification log listing from (MM/DD/YY) <RTN> or just <RTN> to include all modifications from the beginning.

NOTE: There are two pieces of information which are included on the printed report but not on the screen display. These are the Modification Reason Key (Bug or Enhancement) and the Programmer's Name and Prof'C Version Number.

Next is an example of a Program Modification Log.

FIG. SY.58




01/12/92 Changed name from AP.VCHREG to AP.INVREG

01/12/92 Pass file name to store jml# into for GL update

01/12/92 difference in jrnl typecode (ie. 01AP433 or 01AJ433).

01/19/92 DICTIONARY added to 4th common line

OV19/92 BPARM dimension increased to BPARM (80)

02/21/92 Add type "AP" for gl monbch updates.

03/07/92 Correctly uses journal type AP now

06/26/92 If printing ADJ Jrnl opened wrong file name AP.FILE

07/13/92 parm reports


1Vl9/92 Realigned columns ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS

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