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Return to Printer Spooler | Printer Control Code TableSTARTinG THE PRINTER Your spooler is controlled by a series of Pick commands. These commands start and stop printers, direct output, andallow theeditingof some hold fields. Hereis theprocedurefor starting theprinter. From the System Utilities Main Menu, your Prompt should read: Enter: Option No., Mod Code, T for TCL, OFF, <RTN>, ? for Help From Prompt | KEY IN | "T" cRTN>. The system should return the TCL command prompt at the Command Level Processor. | Please enter command (D,P,A,C,X,B,K,M,E or Whelp) | From the "+" Prompt | KEY IN | <RTN>. The system will return the TCL Prompt: ~ or [3 You must designate a printer line and certain parameters for theprinter. You will key in fourcommands after the STARTPTR verb; for example: 1st Number = 2nd Number = 3rd Number = 4th Number = Printer Number Printer Queues (which queues should be directed to what printer) Tells yoursystem how many pages to ejectbetweeneach ob Printer type and line or port number