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Locator Inquiry

 Choice #3 from the Locator Building Menu brings you to the Locator Building Inquiry. This screen will provide you with a list of the locators for any Key in any File.



| KEY IN | the file name you want to query for locators <RTN>.

 The system will move the cursor to the Key field and display the Prompt:

| Enter key, <RTN> for locator, or cE>nd |

 | KEY IN | the file key you want to display the locators for <RTN>

(such as the customer number).

The system will display the locators for that file and


combinations together with the Prompt


 | Enter <RTN> for next page or <E>nd |

 To view locators on the next page, Press <RTN> or Key In "E" <RTN> to end your Locator Inqunysession. Next is an example of the locators created for a customer file - customer #000002.