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Customer Master
The Customer Master File retains your customers name,
address, and telephone number. It is also enhanced with features to include fax numbers,
country code, personal sales reps name, multiple tax jurisdictions to accommodate
city and state tax, etc., special bill-to-address when different than customer address,
statement and service charge flags (determine whether you wish to send a statement or
charge a service charge by customer), credit limit and status, special terms offered, ship
via method, Standard Industry Code, price class, tax information (including tax exempt
number), the date you started doing business, free-form text comments (for notes regarding
customer), and label generation. Customer contact information for purchasing, and accounts
payable/miscellaneous with extra fields for their telephone numbers and extension.
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Prospect Master
The Prospect Master File is similar to the Customer Master File
with additional fields for catalog type, contact date, catalog date, and sample date to
enable critical follow-up details. When a prospect becomes a customer a simple keystroke
transfers the complete file to the customer file!
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Vendor Master File
The Vendor Master File stores vendor name and address while
including valuable specifications for vendor type (ability to categorize your vendors,
payment terms (system will automatically calculate due dates on invoices for this vendor),
ship method, average lead time for product acquisition, account number assigned to you by
vendor, date added, dictate multiple checks to vendor or consolidate purchase order name
and address if different than vendor address (works with ProfiC Purchase Orders). Fields for contact
and Accounts Receivable telephone and fax numbers, free form text comments for notes, hold
status option, 1099 option, General Ledger account number (ties to invoice entry
automatically with option to change), division option, and fields for Federal Tax and
Reseller ID.
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Company Master
The Company Control Record is the reference code used to track
and coordinate data on a company wide basis. Multiple companies may be maintained when
each company is set up as a separate account. Important information concerning your
company including name and address, Federal ID Number, Shipper Number, and Resale Number
is kept. All reports and system wide company reference will display company name as
entered in this file. Also facilitates company name and address on blank forms, Accounts
Payable 1099 Forms/Magnetic Processing and payroll W2 information/forms (when ProfiC Payroll is installed). Includes
tracking of sales by current month, current year, and previous year. When respective
modules are installed, other data will include latest order number, invoice number,
Accounts Payable Check, purchase order number, customer number, Purchase Order receipt and
work order tickets.
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Branch Master
Create branch locations with name,
address, telephone, and contact information. Special features include ProfiC tracking of branch month-to-date gross, year to date gross,
last year gross, month-to-date profit, and last year profit.
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Reason Master File
The Reason Master File is used in
conjunction with credits and debits. You may set up records for damaged goods, wrong size,
added tax or freight, etc. Reason codes include option for General Ledger Account Number
to automatically update the general ledger so there is no need for you to do an additional
posting. Month-to-date and year-to-date dollars are tracked.
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