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Key Features

Order Processing and Confirmation
Daily Order Register
Direct Sales Entry
Free Form Comments at Line Level
Dynamic Add/Change/Delete Function
New Customer Master List
Back Order Capabilities
Customers on Credit Hold Report
Dynamic Pricing/Discounting/Charging
Customer Credit Status
Automatic New Orders from Past History
Quote Entry
Create New Customer at Order Entry
Quote Printing
On-Line Update to Customer Accounts Receivable Account
Open Quotes by Product
Order Status by Product, Backorder, Customer
Quote Summary
Order Credit Status
Quote Cancellation Register
Order on Credit Hold
Open Quotation Register
Order Inquiries
Invoice Preview & Update Report
Order Cancellation Register
Print Picking Tickets by Specific Criteria
Void Sales Register
Monthly Invoice Report

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Order Entry Options

Sales may be one of two types: Immediate Invoicing with one-step Direct Sales Entry or later invoicing with two-step Order Entry and Confirmation. Direct Sales Entry is normally used when shipping COD, when product is in inventory or when the customer is at your sales counter and is taking the merchandise with them. Two-step order entry is used when the taking of the order and the shipping are different processes within the company. Orders may also be created from two other methods; order from customer invoice history and order from quote. In both cases, Profi’C has been designed to take into consideration the real business world, you may change, modify or delete any information for a particular order.

For new customers placing orders, the customer master file record will be created at the same time as the order. Current customer orders will automatically fill-in with the pertinent data from the customer file, eliminating the need to input standard information. Order date, customer Purchase Order number, acknowledgement, anticipated delivery date and ship date are inclusive. Customers may have multiple shipping addresses which can be recalled for any order, special terms and pricing consideration designated by you to speed order processing. Inventory availability is verified as soon as the item number is entered. Back-orders may be created during order entry or over-allocation may be allowed. Free-form comments may be added as multiple line items or attached to the product description. Partial shipment of orders is allowed, as well as partial billing. New items may be added before the order is sent to the warehouse for shipment or added when invoiced. Confirm to ship the entire order with one keystroke or review the order in detail. Freight charges are added when confirming the order for shipping. Picking Tickets may be printed for all open orders or selected for individual orders by several methods including requested date. Canceling orders is a simple deletion and the system prompts you to print the Order Cancellation Register for accuracy.

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Credit Line Checking

Profi’C checks all customers, new and established, for their credit rating. If it finds that the customer has exceeded their credit limit, the order is entered and placed on credit hold until an override is initiated to release the order. You may, at any time, request reports showing orders or customers that are on credit hold.

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Inventory Integration

Integrated with Profi'C Inventory Control, your company may sell inventoried items or it may sell one-time, non-stocked product or a combination of both. Profi’C accommodates the mixing of inventory and non-inventory items on an order as well as designating from which location each item will be shipped. Items are committed in the inventory the moment the item is ordered and while processing the order Profi'C shows you the quantity currently on hand and available. Once invoiced the items are deducted from Inventory. Stock or Drop type shipments are handled and maintained.

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Back Orders

Back Orders may be created during order entry when the inventory quantity reflects zero or a negative amount or when the order is confirmed. All back orders appear as open orders on reports/inquiries and this information is passed to Inventory Control. The back order item(s) is referenced on packing slip and invoices displaying the product as backorder status.

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Pricing Options

Applicable when using Profi'C Inventory Control pricing may be changed for an individual order, but the system will warn you if you are selling below cost. Items ordered may be taxable or non-taxable independent of the Customer taxing authority.

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Quote Processing

One of the most exasperating aspects of business is to forget what has been quoted to a customer or to lose track of a quote. With Profi’C you will have a record of every quote, by every salesman, to every customer. With Profi’C Inventory Control, quotes are not limited to one line product description. An expanded, unlimited description entered in the inventory product file is available and will print automatically when entering product numbers. Free Form Text Comments may also be used. When the quote becomes an order, Profi’C will convert the quote and assign an order number without re-entering any information.

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At any time you may inquire as to the status of an order by customer, inventory item, required date, credit status, or order number. Since Profi’C is an on-line system, you will always have access to open order status and may query the system by customer, product, branch, item type, required date, or order date.

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Confirming the order creates the customer invoice. Direct Sales Entry creates the invoice without an order. Printed Invoices will include all details collected at order entry. Add special comments if you want, such as "Thank you for your business" for the personal touch. Total list Price, your cost, freight charge and total invoice amount will display when completing the invoice for your reference. You may print the invoice at the time of creation or at a later date. Invoices may be reprinted in the event of a change or printer problem. Unlike many systems, Profi’C allows invoices to be viewed and even changed by adding new items, deleting items, and also voiding the entire invoice up until the time you update the Daily Invoice Register. And, the final invoice stays in the history file for viewing until you decide you no longer need it. Profit percent and dollar amount will display on invoice registers.

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On-Line Update To Accounts Receivable

As soon as the order is invoiced, the information is posted to Accounts Receivable and General Ledger, keeping the customer’s Accounts Receivable balance current with invoicing and providing management with actual financial data.

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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