The following is a sampling of the shipping pages |
New Shipping Entry
Once an order has been processed it is ready to be shipped. The user handling the shipping can view all the items being ordered
and select which item is to be shipped. This process will continue until the user has completed their selection of items. |
New Shipping Part 2
As each item is selected for shipping the user can view the product's quantity on hand and availability before entering
the quantity that is to be shipped. |
Shipping Packing Slip
The packing slip displays the details of the order without any of the associated costs so that the customer's receiving department
can account for all items in the shipment. |
Shipping Inquiry
The shipping inquiry screen displays all the fields associated with the orders that have been shipped. It will also list the location in the
warehouse from which the products came from. The fields on this screen on not changeable for security reasons. |